Spill the Wax

Finding Space

We’re all on a journey, right?

When your little you kind of unknowingly write a book about how you think your life will be…

“When I grow up I’m going to be?, I’m going to have?, I’m going to live?”

The ideals of our book of life, annnnnd

then you grow up and the book is more like one of those “pick a page” books, where you never quite know where the page will take you with a touch of the unknown or I wasn’t expecting that appearing on the pages before your eyes.

Never ever did I see myself or pre write the page of making candles or turning it into a business , and never ever did I see myself finding inspiration for candles the way I did.

I’ve always liked candles but a good quality scented candle was just never on my radar, I didn’t even know how to burn a candle correctly letter lone make them.

My eldest daughter Aaleyah loves candles, it was verging on ridiculous how many she ‘needed’, and I’d been gifted quite a few over the years and like words from a babes mouth…

” You should make candles mum” came out.

Initially, my thoughts were only on re-filling the many jars we now had, then it moved to creating a remembrance candle for Delilah. Nek minute, Delilah’s Daze was born and I, am writing a candle blog.

If you have followed my journey, then you know what chapters I’m surviving. It became, it was, it is part of my story but it doesn’t mean there are no more pages to be written it just means I’ve been stuck in that narrative for a little while.

I was spilling the wax with a friend the other day and we were discussing just that. How easily a narrative can take over and that’s where you stay. This got me thinking about my own narrative after grief, like I said before it was and always will be my story but my narrative is changing and growing. It feels like after a long time dancing in storms that I’m finding my space and blooming.

Love led me to this page and love inspires this journey. Creating candles has bought a level of peace and enjoyment I just wan’t expecting. It’s a chapter I’m loving and growing with and getting to continually work with new idea’s, new fragrances and than taking it further and getting to collaborate with some awesome business’s and candle branding as well as the very special one off personalised candle creations I’m truly honoured to make, I love where life has planted me.

It gives me a space to remember, and a place to heal.

It’s giving me space to feel like I can breathe again, a place built to bloom beautifully.

Gabrielle Phegan

Candle Creator

Small business owner. Part time creator. Full-time mom. A dreamer, a creator, a creative being.
Welcome to the world of Delilah’s Daze candles!

Delilah’s Daze candles are poured in small batches directly from our home, allowing me to create and build the dream in pockets of time.
Delilah’s Daze candles are created in loving memory of our daughter Delilah Kathleen

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